Shane the Visionary, appreciates the City of Chicago, while answering a State-call during COVID-19 C
A state-call visit takes Shane to the City of Chicago. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, though fortunate to be alive, many people...

Hate Comes with the Territory
Video by: Todd Speciale #success #motivation #inspiration #hate #love #greatness #haters #toddspeciale

Heroes Don't Always Wear Capes
Our world needs more good men to take upon themselves the responsibility of showing young men a better way; more positive options. The...

Celebrating the One Year Anniversary of 'Shane-cuts Inspiration Barber Shop'
We are very excited and blessed to announce that this is the one year anniversary of Shane-cuts Inspiration Barber Shop! It was on...

Shane-cuts Inspiration Barber Shop meets the Covenant House Orlando!
Covenant House Florida serves runaway, homeless and at-risk youth under 21, including teen parents and their babies. Our team of Barbers...

Shane-cuts Inspiration Barber Shop meets The Transition house!
It was a fulfilling experience. Veteran's should always be appreciated. It feels great to serve those who have served.