Shane-cuts Inspiration Barber Shop meets the Covenant House Orlando!
Covenant House Florida serves runaway, homeless and at-risk youth under 21, including teen parents and their babies. Our team of Barbers are doing what we can to help make a difference in these children's lives by offering free haircuts, prizes, friendship & support.

Covenant House Florida continues to fulfill its mission by providing shelter and services to children and youth who are homeless or at great risk. They make every effort to reunite kids with their families.
Estimates of the number of unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness for at least one night each year ranges from 500,000 to 1.7 million. They come from all socio-economic and ethnic-cultural backgrounds, so there is no typical profile of street kids. Common issues/problems among Covenant House Florida kids, however, include:
100% are homeless — with family conflict, drug and alcohol abuse, and family violence as the most common causes
76% did not sleep at their parent/guardian’s home the night before arrival
61% were not living with their parent/guardian consistently for the past year
62% had one or more runaway episodes at age 14 or younger
44% ran away five or more times
51% were kicked out of home; of those, half had been kicked out before
52% were abused; of those with a history of abuse:
56% recount physical abuse
29% recount sexual abuse
15% recount emotional/verbal abuse
34% report violence in the home
68% are from families other than two married parents (e.g. single-parent, divorced, or blended families)
17% were in foster care
38% have acute health problems – with respiratory conditions, injuries, and skin disorders most prevelant
61% are depressed or suicidal
62% have used drugs or alcohol — a percentage almost double the rate among American teens cited in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Monitoring the Future Survey; of those in CHAMP(Covenant House Addiction Management Project):
88% report marijuana as their drug of choice with 100% affirming their first use at age 16 or younger and 45% affirming their first drug use at age 13 or younger
52% come from families that use drugs or alcohol
84% of youths without a high school diploma have dropped out or are not attending school; the average reading level is grade 7.5, and the average math level is grade 6.3
90% are unemployed
Through collaboration with community agencies and organizations, Covenant House Florida actively participate in community efforts to improve the conditions of families and children.